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In the Words of Whitney Houston: "How Will I Know?"

If you are a constant worry wart, at times socially withdrawn, enjoy dark rooms, dark clothes, constantly agonizing over every moment of may have P.A.D. I was in denial for so long until I was at a work meeting and suddenly couldn't catch my breath and had the worst chest pain. What I thought was a little Chipotle backlash turned out to be something else. So check this, I lost my dad to cancer April 20, 2016, My mother began Chemotherapy April of 2016, and I wasn't sure if my job was secure after a month of personal leave. Talk about a reason to panic. But I'm pretty sure I knew something was different about me wayyyy before then. I obsessed over Barbies outfit, her hair and always re did her make up with my magic markers. So how did I know? Here's a few indicators of anxiety/panic disorder :

- Self scrutiny obsessing over little imperfections (picking at scars, over twee zing your brows) guilty as charged

-Being anti-social or avoiding social scenes afraid you may have one of your episodes and everyone will just think you're a freak.

-Constant doubt or worry something will go wrong whether it be dating, or just going for a regular night out. Not feeling confident enough to get off the couch that would be me !

- Trouble sleeping at night..listen I am a vampire because my mind takes off at night and the sandman has left the building.

-Being indecisive ....ugh we all have that friend that says I'm going just

Because, who doesn't love Whitney?!

let me find something to wear...2 hours later (Spongebob voice)...I changed my mind go on without me. These are just to name a few...oh chile there's plenty more to tell !


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