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Ain't that a BEACH!

Picture this Cicily 1920...(okay not really but I am obsessed with Sophia from the "Golden Girls") . Okay visualize this, 12 years, old smart girl in honors classes at her middle school choir geek, yet still somewhat still cool with the "cool kids' . The current temperature outside is a deathly 88 degrees, and if you went to this school then you know there was no a.c. She wore a black skirt, platform loafers,(don't judge it was the early 2000's) a graphic tee that was totally out of dress code, and a long sleeve black hoodie. Did I mention it was 88 degrees with no a.c.???? Hot as balls man. So why would she wear a hoodie, knowing her sweat stains were probably peeking by now?

By now she had grown accustomed to the"fatty fatty" nicknames given by her mom. So, she wouldn't dare let the same thing happen at school. No matter how hot, cold..even if there was a fire she would not let her dimply, fat ass arms hang out. Fast forward to college..all the girls were in halter tops, tube tops, crop tops. It was like being in a drunken alternate universe where nobody really cared how much extra weight you were carrying;

So there it began. Hi, I'm dimply fat arms, welcome. I legit have had the same size arms since i was a how did I get lunch lady arms so young? Either way I'm not too keen on covering up as much these day. One day in Forever 21 I went for it and purchased my 1st 2 piece. I felt liberated so much that I kept buying them, I haven't worn a 1

piece swim suit in about 5 years. I figured I'm tired of getting made fun of so I will flaunt my body how I see fit, and if there are changes I wish to see, that's up to me to decide and NOBODY ELSE! So when life is a beach put on your 2 piece and watch the reactions from you audience because they will stare.

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