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Put Some Respeck On It !

I swore I wasn't going to go there but I think it's time to address it. I'm rapidly approaching 30 (damn I'm old) I've received my H.S. diploma, Bachelors Degree, I've been in my career for over 5 years, blah blah blah.....okay enough of that. Apparently accolades and accomplishments mean nothing if you're a woman without children. Who and what determines when a person is deemed successful? Growing up I never saw families like the Huxtables or The Brady's. I saw patterns of abandonment, abuse, and at an early age I decided I did not want children unless I could raise them in a healthy family enviornment. I will admit in the past I have been judgmental of people who chose a non-traditional route. I often asked people, "Why don't you get married instead of having kids first." I apologize if I seemed insensitive. I worry about women, my friends in particular having children without support.When it boils down to it, everyone has their own way of handling things. .Who am I to judge? Who are you to make me feel I am less than a woman because I am choosing to wait to have children? I am CONSTANTLY being told hurry up! You're not getting younger! Just do it! This is a life we're talking about! A child is a game changer! Look... my baby fever comes in waves and every time I check my bank statement, I'm reminded ..go back to school, get these coins first! Fix your credit! Pay back a student loan or 2. When the person in my life decides we are going to become a family under the eyes of God and the law, the babies will come. I want you all to seriously consider how you make a woman feel if she has yet to have children. There are so many reasons why a woman may not want to/be able to conceive if you really think about it. At this point in my life I am transitioning into a new chapter. My life is about improving my mental, financial, and physical stablity. Being anxious and starting a new chapter is hella scary. I'm focused on my personal relationship, weeding out the negativity in my life, figuring out who I am, and what I have to offer the world. I have grown frustrated discussing my life goals with people who want to box me in. Yes i do want a child in the near future. I want that child to be loved, cared for , need for nothing. So to all my people who want a niece, nephew, cousin, God baby, grand baby.. i respectfully say, "Mind ya business while I figure out how to make myself a better person before I become a parent." This is not coming from a disrespectful place but a place of me growing weary and feeling judged! I am doing my best and that is all I want for my unborn children. I want them to proud of me and daddy for sticking together and creating a bomb ass life full of vacations, memories, and love. See ... the thought of it alone just made me nervous as hell ! Be respectful of women who choose or who do not choose to become mothers. It's her's her body !


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