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The Cards don't lie

My mom would probably sh** a brick if she knew where my new spiritual journey has taken me. My family doesn’t believe in cards, reading, spiritual entities so on and so forth. On the flip side I’m all about exploring all of those. The past month has been so energetically draining I knew it was time for me to get some type of clarity and for sure some spiritual guidance. My girl Imani (who I’ve known since we were kids modeling under Ms. B...remember that?) is a clarity advocate,doula, overall spiritual bawse! She had a posting for a meditation cypher, that was my sign to jump on board immediately. I knew I needed some clarification and be in a room with women who had the same intentions.

I decided to do a one on one energy report. The reading was so powerful, and man did some shit come out! All the things I knew that were going on with me internally and issues with external relationships were revealed. The cards shuffled, shuffled, and one card literally popped out of the deck which was the Dream card. There it is again! This isn’t the first time that card has popped up. I put my dreams and aspirations on hold for a minute while I tried to figure out my personal life. I need to work on my worry habits(shocker) which are so draining and tiring. I worry about every little thing down to the minor scratches on a wall, to tiny lent particles on my clothes. Imagine living your life in constant worry. It’s no fun. The Air card, the need to let go and go with the natural flow of life. It’s been so long since I’ve been able to just let go. Hence the reason I needed some clarification and some spiritual time with myself. All the cards centered around relaxing, enjoying things I love, living out my dreams, and not focusing so hard. It’s been a hard road for me. When the reading was over I felt the most tired I had felt in months! I felt as if I had just ran a marathon. Being the worrier I am , I hit up Imani to ask was this normal. Of course it is duh..mental work is twice as exhausting as physical exertion in my opinion. I have experienced the highest of the highs, and the lowest of the lows. Since my reading many things have happened. Most importantly, I shifted my focus, and my intentions with myself. I decided to ease up on myself and know when to take time for me. I believe in time all things will reveal themselves, and I have to be patient and know whatever will come is for me. I will be continuing my spiritual journey, and reenergizing my battery. On that note I encourage you to be positive, keep positive people around you. Don’t feed into negativity! It’s so easy to fall down that rabbit hole. Be aware of those you surround yourself with because they may/may not have your best interest in mind. (I learned that during my session as well) Don’t be afraid to step out your comfort zone and enjoy life.These are things I have to keep telling myself in my mantra. If you do believe in energy reports hit up my girl Imani. She is the absolute truth! I believe in her gifts! One more important tip….this may be hard but I dare you to try it...Listen the 1st time. See the signs, pay attention, don't try to redirect .Just listen the first time, from there just go with it. Side bar weed is good for anxiety. I’m just saying.

Until next time stay confident!


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