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I didn’t understand it at first. Its beautiful outside, it’s the holiday everybody else is out drinking and having fun, not me. I spent my holiday on the couch watching Netflix and some of my leafy medicine. That’s all I had the energy to do. ALL DAY LONG. I slept most of the day the following day. Only waking up to the let the contractors in who are working on some repairs in my house. I felt tired, emotional, a crying wreck...but why? I know I’m somewhat depressed but it doesn’t make sense in this instance. Then it hit me seasonal depression otherwise known as SAD (seasonal affective disorder) it comes with the whole anxiety/depression package I guess. When the season changes and there are major changes in climate or a holiday season. This is most common during winter months but not unheard of in summer/spring transitions. Let me be honest, my winter was ROUGH as well. I guess I just had packed so many emotions away that eventually it all had to unravel at some point, but I didn’t expect it so soon. I scrolled down my TL and saw several people talking about feeling anxious, not wanting to be social, it felt good to know I’m not alone. I’m glad to see so many others talking about it socially. Now question is how do I explain this to people? I’ve been hibernating in my room and it’s not my typical routine, not in the summer anyway. I just say I don’t feel well which is easier to do. I have reached out to my old therapist in hopes of some guidance.Some of my symptoms have been withdrawal, no energy, crying, feelings of sadness, no appetite. To all of my friends/readers it’s okay to not to be okay sometimes! Get help talk to someone, you don’t have to suffer alone. I’m considered to be high functioning with my disorder so it’s not always as obvious. These feelings of loneliness sadness isolation are all normal we all have them at some point just don’t stay there too long. To my circle of sisters who are just like me, “the cloud” won’t be there always. Take it 1 day at a time! I’ll let you guys know how the therapy goes !

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