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Fat And Thriving

It’s the summer, gather up your besties for a quick beach vacay. Bring your sunscreen, forget your diets, and oh yeah don’t forget your seatbelt extender. This is the reality of traveling while fat, tiny aisle spaces, super extensive TSA checks, and those itty bitty hotel robes. I didn’t travel much by airplane growing up, I was in a roadtrip kind of family. I never had the worries of rigorous TSA procedures and tight seating arrangements. I planned a quick getaway this summer with a fellow curvy girl, just enough time to enjoy the beach before school was back in session. I always try to plan everything down to the smallest detail being that anxiety causes me to overthink everything, this was definitely a new experience. I’m trying this whole “go with the flow” approach so not much planning happened flight, and hotel that was it. Everything was smooth getting to the airport, checking in..then TSA “routine checks” I have never felt so violated I swear. I guess my extra thigh meat served as a potential threat because that security was all up in between my lady parts. She tugged at my inner thigh and asked what’s this? It’s my Spanx lady. If you know me I had a whole entire eye roll and neck roll to match. I looked at her like sis really you know that was all me. How could a little extra fabric and meat even be seen as threatening??? How Sway? Anyway as if not embarrassed enough we had to sit basically on top of each other. Imagine 2 big girls squished in those little bitty seats. Now before any fat shamers say lose some weight, my girl has already lost over 100lbs. So boom! Luckily we didn’t have to worry about a third seat in our row. Fast forward to our connecting flight..we were separated and sitting in a row of 3. I’m always anxious about who I’ll be seated next to. I have heard some crazy stories about people not wanting to sit next to a fat person. People fat shaming and demeaning others; it’s a trip literally and figuratively. I get it, it’s a snug fit. Oh well, if you don’t like it too bad so sad because I’m getting my butt in the seat I paid for .Please believe we are just as uncomfortable. I swear I am always praying for a nice person and a window seat. I hate flying but for some reason I need to be able to see what’s going on. I shuffled through the aisle and found my row. The men were pleasant so that was a huge sigh of relief. My neighbor was pretty wasted and chatty too i might add. Smooth sailing thank goodness.

Although at times I was uncomfortable I didn’t feel judged or embarrassed. I can remember being on a flight and being on the wrong seat. I got up and the lady whose seat it was came behind me and sprayed my seat that I had barely sat in with alcohol like I was covered in fleas. I was torn do I call her the b word, or was she just a hypochondriac like Monk, terrified of germs?

I let it go but then I had to wonder what happens when fat people travel? During some handy Google research, I hear stories about people having to pay for two seats because they couldn’t fit (which is understandable if you can’t fit i suppose), people refusing to sit next to a fat person or buying a seat in a whole other class, several people have told the stories about airlines being unkind to overweight people. Once you’re off the plane and the fun begins it’s time to get out of travel clothes and into that bikini. But be prepared for some stares if you’re rocking that fupa on the beach. I love a good bikini but everytime I put one on, I have to mentally prepare myself for the beach bods and kids telling their mommies “that lady is big”. I’ve heard it all and yet I will be a beach babe regardless. Just know when you see a curvy girl confidently wearing her 2 piece, that she already had to talk herself into it so don't stare. Ditch the diet and have a good time. Eat what you want, try some local cuisine and let your hair down. Enjoy all the local fun and adventures you can. I dare you to travel and truly enjoy yourself without that nagging inner voice trying to get into your head. Being fat is hard enough. Just imagine being judged while you’re trying to enjoy yourself. Many people won’t understand some of the struggles that occur everyday. I encourage you all to be your best F.A.T. self (Fat And Thriving). Go see the world !

Again for the shamers this is not to encourage unhealthy lifestyles or habits.The hope is that people will be inspired to be happy with who they are, and live your best life !

Xoxo Sam

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