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The Covid Effect

Bird Flu, Swine Flu, 9/11, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, out of all the things I’ve witnessed in my lifetime, nothing could prepare any of us for the Covid-19 pandemic. Stay indoors, wash your hands, practice social distancing, close all entertainment venues, no shopping. So this really isn’t a game huh? As the number of cases of CoronaVirus rapidly increases and the death tolls rise, so does the paranoia. The conspiracy theories, and constant misleading information being spread doesn’t make things any better. The misinformed people spreading information is at an all time high, and honestly it’s beyond irresponsible.

As this epidemic continues to spread, it is imperative to rely on credible sources.

It is beyond irritating that people are spreading lies and misinformation and sharing it to hundreds of people. You are part of the problem if you are spreading fake news. This is a time we need to resort to listening to those on the front lines. Social media is the Wikipedia of news. Please focus on how we can spread love and light, things that will uplift one another.

The life of an introvert/extrovert, I like being able to choose when I stay at home, or at least have options of what I can do. Now, with no choice this new normal is having some effects I couldn’t have predicted. I miss being able to go out and abruptly leave when my anxiety joined the party. The first week I said to myself, “I can do this, some alone time will be good.” Week one, I created some task lists, did some housework I had been putting off. It wasn't too bad. My way of minimizing depression/anxiety is to complete tasks, create things to do in order to occupy my mind.

By the end of week two I had completed every task on my list and created about an extra five things to do. The truth about anxiety is it’s all about control, the ability to be in control and manage things in your own time. Not so much with all the new regulations. It wasn’t long before my anxiety symptoms started kicking my ass! I began experiencing my symptoms on a whole new level. I started developing compulsions(over cleaning, no windows of down time, watching the same shows in the same order at night). I think I was trying to create a new normal routine in which I had control of. I’m no therapist but this is what I believe to be true. By week two I had started experiencing night terrors/sleep paralysis, changes in my appetite ( I was eating everything in my path), things I could regulate with some self care, and redirection no biggie.

Week three was just waiting to turn up. The symptoms were evolving, and evolving fast! I started having constant feelings of anxiety from dusk til dawn. I felt like I was becoming a prisoner in my home and my own head. I experienced shortness of breath, heart palpitations, trimmers, headaches, short tempered, feelings of uselessness...and boom here comes the depression. Right on schedule I was waiting for you. Just as quickly as I started having these feelings, I turned to my spirituality for guidance practicing meditation, smudging, going outside for walks, writing, abstaining from the news, staying connected to people was key to turning this thing around. Wine, how could I forget wine, my saving grace, where would I be without you?

As much of a homebody as I am , I would give the rest of my eyebrows to go out with my friends right about now. Thank goodness for technology, I’ve attended virtual happy hours, watched some people workout, even attended a mini college reunion with some dear friends. Staying connected to people has been so necessary in keeping some sense of normalcy.I was reminded to be grateful even with situations beyond my control. Imagine if this would have happened in the 90’s…...just think about it. We are getting more creative with staying in touch, entertaining each other with live concerts, concert performances, tutorials, no matter what happens you have to give us kudos for creating a sense of community and togetherness.

Now let's get real serious for a second….practice self distancing people! What part of that don’t you all understand?? I’ve seen so many kickbacks, parties, meetings. This disease is spreading, killing people daily and you still think it's a good idea to have a house party? We are all feeling the effects of being locked down but in no way does this justify putting yourself or others in danger of passing the virus. Believe me I understand. Most of the guests that were coming to my home were here to assist me with my current family situation. I need all the helping hands I can get but right now, it’s not possible. I am responsible for myself and my mother’s health that trumps all things. Imagine being a caregiver during this pandemic and can't get outside help, and have to be fully protected when going outside. That's another conversation for another day(confessions of a caregiver 2 coming soon ). As far as my home, you can’t come in, I can’t come over….. that's on period as my kids would say.

Speaking of my kids, I miss them with my whole heart. I miss the possibilities of what senior year was supposed to be, how their college tours were supposed to inspire them, finishing this year and all the fun things we had planned. My heart aches for them, all their efforts, their tears, their hopes, and wishes, seem so gloomy right now. I stay in contact to keep them lifted and for myself as well. As I scroll through social media looking at memes I just haven’t been able to laugh….I know what it took for some of my students to reach senior year and I can't find the humor in this situation. I know we will find a way to make something happen for them, we must.

After having a Zoom conference with some of my kids I realize how essential educators really are. The kids miss us, they miss school. As eager as they were to graduate and leave, this isn't how we pictured it. It was really sad to hear their stories and knowing they are struggling with this. I would be remissed if I didn’t acknowledge my school district for providing meals, technology support, online resources. You all are so amazing and deserve raises!

Never did I think normal life would be seeing everyone wearing masks and gloves wherever you go. You knew it was real when they closed the bars and clothing stores down. With so much uncertainty it’s important now more than ever to practice some gratitude. I’m able to provide for myself and still able to sustain my household.I’m fortunate to be able to stay home and take care of my mom full time. For those who are caregivers, or take care of anyone during this pandemic, I will ask you to please take some time to ground yourself. It has been a struggle trying to maintain anxiety/depression symptoms during one of the most dangerous times in our country’s history.

.Although I struggle with my mental health, I’d like to share some of my tips on how to maintain/create healthy habits to minimize stress/anxiety/depression.

  1. Limit how much time you spend on social media. Social media can be an escape, but it can also create panic and reinforce negative emotions when we overindulge. We spend hours and hours on social media, and it's not healthy. Try to incorporate other ways to stay connected.

  2. Say in contact with loved ones and people that are positive. Keeping up with your tribe is essential. Maintaining connections while we are all forced to stay apart will help grow those relationships maybe even stronger than before.

  3. Get creative! Is there something you’ve been wanting to try? Interested in D.I.Y projects? What’s there to lose? Try something you didn't have time to before, being creative is gratifying and it's a mood booster.

  4. Soak up some sun. Take advantage of the sun's natural energy. Take your pet out for some play time. Vitamin D works miracles. Get that D!

  5. Speaking of D, if you’re fortunate enough to be quarantined with your partner, have sex. That's it, that's the whole suggestion. Do it then do it again, then one more time.

  6. Organize your space. I’m sure like most of us the house has been cleaned. It’s time for some deep cleaning, closets, cabinets. I find solace in knowing I’ve decluttered my space. It just feels better when everything is in its place.

  7. Practice makes perfect. Do you do nails, hair, sew? This is the perfect time to learn new techniques, practice something you struggle with. You’d be surprised at what you search on YouTube once you’re bored enough.

  8. Reconnect with your spirituality. Practice gratitude as much as possible. Pray, read, meditate, find your center whatever that may be. For some this may be a time to discover what your views on Good and religion are.

  9. Music with all these free concerts,and streaming services what a time to dance around the house? Put on some music and enjoy your own dance party. I know some of you have done it with your cocktail in hand pretending you’re out with your squad. It’s good for you. Jump around, get low with it.

  10. Pampering yourself is a must.. Give yourself a facial, paint your toes, do your hair for no reason at all. Take off those crusty pajamas, let that hair bonnet breath. Get dressed ! Trust me! Gentlemen learn how to clean your nails.

  11. Connect with mental health care services. Counselors and therapists are holding virtual sessions, and many offer discounted services. It is okay not to be okay. There are people willing to provide you with care!

To all of my readers I send you cyber love! Please wash your hands, stay inside, and continue to be innovative during this difficult time. No one is to cut their own bangs/haircuts. No just thug it out!

Xoxo sam

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