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May 9, 2020 was a day for the culture. Queen Jill Scott and Queen Erykah Badu competed in Verzuz which is a music battle platform on Instagram. Artists go back and forth playing their best hits in their arsenal as the world watches. This level of vibe, and intense energy attracted over 700,000 viewers. Just like colored folks would have it, they were late to their own show. I can only imagine how many sistas and brothas adorned themselves in headwraps, crystals, and cloud filled rooms. Jill had the candle burning, the art work, the wine, setting the tone. Badu, The Alchemist, Fatbabybella, had Bruce Lee doing Kung Fu in the back with Andre Harrell glasses, and a cup of tea.

From the beginning, It was amazing to see these individual artists come together and give the world some musical eargasms. Eargasms is a thing, but this was so much more powerful. The amount of love these 2 women showed each other was the perfect foundation to a magical almost 3 hour live event. Hit after hit, song after song, the energy was electric. Artists, legends in the music industry, even FLOTUS Michelle Obama, was catching all the vibes. It was the place to be!

The music took you back in time almost like a time capsule reminding you of your first break up, the person you wish you could have this lifetime, or even helping you remember who you are. The music spoke to your spirit. I noticed it was only a few songs in when Jill started dabbing her eyes ,and I felt her. Eventually I started to cry. At first I was thinking I had too much wine. I realized the power of music and how watching music brought us together at a time when we feel so disconnected from one another.

During this especially difficult time in life, I was able to release some things and give it to the universe. I was able to laugh, dance around, be silly, and for just a little while I forgot about everything going on around me. As amazing as the music was,it wasn’t the only thing keeping everyone’s attention. The love, the sisterhood, the energy was so pure and everything good. THERE WAS NEVER ANY BEEF, NO EGO, THEY MADE SURE TO CLEAR THAT UP. It’s a shame the media still tries to use competition to divide our people.

We got to witness Black Excellence, women being kind to one another, helping each other, being patient with one another. These women celebrated each other in a way I haven’t seen before. The gems dropped like rain and will forever resonate with me. They spoke about poetry and how personal writing is, and how we use the tools of art to free ourselves. Of course my ears perked up even more. I (as a writer) always worry if anyone is reading my work, if anyone can relate, if there’s someone I’ve helped. These two reminded me not to worry about what anyone thinks about my art. We create to release and to realign ourselves not for validation of our gifts.

I love both artists in different ways but there has always been something extra special about Jill’s rawness, regalness, and realness. I started writing poetry while listening to “Who is Jill Scott?”. I got in trouble in middle school for reciting one of her songs at a school talent show. Who would have thought that saying coochie in middle school was so bad? She gave me self confidence at a time I hated my curvy figure, she made me feel proud to be who I was. Her melodic tones and vocal range will forever be a part of my music safe haven.

Badu, when I want to be quirky, be at one with the universe, feel the spirit of my ancestors, that's where I go. Badu is an alien! Her energy is unlike anything we’ve seen before and I doubt if we will see anyone else like her. She marches to her own drum, and is unapologetically herself. She was a whole mood, powerful, swaggy with a calm demeanor.

The combination of the two energies was enough to shift the world! I can't think of a single negative thing to say except, we missed a few of our favorite hits. There were so many positive vibrations. The amount of pure vulnerability, positivity, and sisterly love influenced everyone that took part in the Verzuz experience. Even with glitches, and technical issues the amount Verzuz was a pleasant reminder that even if we are socially distant, the music and love will always bring us together. A shift happened and hopefully the love and tranquility will help us during these trying times. Also keep in mind they did mention the Sugar Water tour and I will be keeping my eyes and ears open.

Messages received:

  • Write or create whatever feels good to you

  • Sow into others and you lift us all up

  • We don’t do beef, we grown

  • Black women deserve to be crowned, give us our things

Peace and Blessings xoxo-Sam

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